
10/10 Would listen to again.


This is a tape I purchased on bandcamp. Just cruising bandcamp looking for ambient tapes. The cover on this one appealed to me, just the surface of the moon, and the music…


Have you had a quiet moment in your kitchen when you suddenly become aware of the ambient noise, which is likely dominated by the refrigerator. It’s a drone. Now image if that drone was made with some beautiful discrete synthesizer components instead of a small electric engine. And now, listening to that nice synthesizer refrigerator drone, place yourself on a planet somewhere else in the universe, maybe on the other side of the Milky Way on the outskirts of star system that where that star creates some sort of periodic phase shifting pulses and all that radio wave and light wave information is converted to audio.

This music places me out there. And it’s stark. And it opens your mind to that devastating awareness of eternity and forces so much larger than ourselves.