
Since 2023 you can use the color-mix function to create new colors based on other colors.

background-color: color-mix(in oklab, green, white);

The above will produce a lighter green, mixing 50% green with 50% white.

You can alter those percentages.

background-color: color-mix(in oklab, green 40%, white 30%);

When the total is less than 100% the remainder is given to transparency. When the total is above 100% the final listed value is reduced until 100% is the total.

oklab is a color space. I found it was summed best here, which describes oklab as:

the most useful and desired option, which is perceptually uniform mixing. In other words a 50-50 mix of two colors gives the color that looks halfway between them.


You can record macros in vim.

  1. qq to start recording into register q.
  2. q to stop recording.
  3. @q to play the macro from register q.

But that last step can be called while recording.

  1. qq to start recording into register q.
  2. @q to call the macro you are now recording.
  3. q to stop recording.
  4. @q to play the macro from register q.

Now you have a recursive macro. This macro will keep executing until an unsuccessful movement, for example f is used to find a character, but the character does not exist. Or, when j is used to move the cursor down, but you are at the end of the file.

You can use this technique instead of recording a macro and playing the macro X times. X isn’t always immediately obvious.

For greatest effectiveness start with an empty macro before creating a recursive macro.

  1. qqq empty the macro for the register q.
  2. qq to start recording into register q.
  3. @q to call the macro you are now recording.
  4. q to stop recording.
  5. @q to play the macro from register q.

Now you have a lot of qs.


When the priv directory is deployed, it may not be in the same relative location as it is in project.

You can use :code.priv_dir with the name of your app as an argument to get the location of the priv dir after deployment and in your dev env.

iex(1)> :code.priv_dir(:blog)

It might have been a while since I have written CSS. I’ve always been a fan of SCSS with its variables and nesting. I knew browsers could natively define and use css variables now, but I’m just now learning that I can nest CSS selectors just like in SCSS. Since 2023

header {
  a {
    color: var(--pleasantly-surprised);